Tastes like . . .

Chicken! This week’s diners are about to become participants in a study in the versatility of poultry. We’re preparing our favorite chicken dishes, using some time tested techniques as well as a few new ones that we’ve picked up along the way. I’m most excited for the chicken and dumplings course, we’re of course making our own stock and using …

Whiskey and other things
that have kept me busy.

Am I alive? Yes. But only just. The past few weeks have been a whirlwind of activity (hence the hiatus from blogging), a couple of great meals (puerto azul for octopus and my mom’s kitchen for cardillo), a few gnarly nights (note to self: hydrate), a makers faire (grow your own mushrooms!) and a RAAAAAGING pretty tame NYC bachelor party …

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Allergies? Ditch the drugs. Eat more honey.

May flowers suck! There’s been so much bloomin’ pollen in the air lately that even something as enjoyable as a leisurely trip to the farmers market turns into a red eyed, runny nosed, ahhh-ahhhh-ahhhhh-CHOO, sneeze fest. Allergies make my life miserable, and probably yours too. Just over 10 percent of the US population suffers from allergies. But California, with our …

So Fresh, So Clean, Exploring
The Flavors of Spring

After a bit of a break from The Wooden Table dinners (all work and no play makes cook a dull boy), we’re back! Just in time to take full advantage of the bounty that is the spring time harvest. Our latest menu will be heavy on the local farmer’s market offerings. Raw milk, bitter greens, funky veggies, and interesting honeys …

Back to Basics: Roast a Chicken!

So I’ve been obsessed with all things Keller lately (well . . . Thomas not Hubert), along my online travels I found this video. Something everyone should know how to do, taught by the chef that everyone should learn it from: Chicken (and chicken eggs for that matter) is a great first step to take down the path of organic …

Thomas Keller, keeping it real.

You probably already know that Chef Thomas Keller is The Godfather of classic French cuisine in America (if you didn’t, you owe him his cut). When the rest of the industry was still scoffing at the idea of vacuum sealed, poached food, Chef Keller was literally writing the book on it. The sous-vide (from the French meaning “under vacuum”) method …

Squid Ink & Dungeness Crab Tattoos

I’ve been in the market for a food related tattoo for a little while now and it’s finally time to make up my mind. I know I want a Dungeness crab but I’ve already got that gosh darn “Hug Life” tat across my “abs” so although that’s where I prefer my Dungeness crabs to end up, I’ll have to figure …

Excerpts from Sunday Supper

So now that you’ve heard the soundtrack, it’s about time that you got a peek at our Sunday Supper offerings. But first off I’ve got to say that this dinner has reminded me how much I really enjoy, what I call, Sunday flavors, comforting warm hug kind of flavors. Gabrielle Hamilton has been in the media a lot lately (her …

Warmth In The Sand: A Seaside Feast

daniel jeremy: sisig, [fatty white fish], uni, bbq huh daniel jeremy: sounds like a dope ass beach bbq me: you totally just blew my mind Inspiration comes from everywhere, music, bike rides, trips to the market and of course, instant messages. I have to admit I was having a little bit of trouble with this menu. I just couldn’t find …

How To Make Herb Butter

Cooking in San Jose means that a variety of herbs are accessible year round. But what to do with such an abundance of herbaceous goodness? Try your hand at a smooth, leaf-free herb butter. Rosemary is a hearty herb that grows like weeds in the area (it literally grows in the parking lot of Trader Joe’s), it’s a good herb …