Clove Love

Growing up, the smell of garlic frying up was THE smell of dinner being cooked. To this day the aroma of fresh garlic sizzling gives me the warm fuzzies. So when the opportunity to craft a garlicky menu came around I was sincerely stoked.

We’re especially eggs-cited (you can’t be mad at that pun) about the very special green-shelled eggs that one of this week’s diners is generously providing. Would you eat them if you were able? Try it with our ham at The Wooden Table!

We’re going to attack garlic from a few different angles this week, a pickled preparation makes an appearance, our pork sliders (pause for “yum”) are getting served up on a garlic bread, we’ve got our own twist on a 40 clove dish and then there’s dessert . . .

We’ve got a table full of first time diners this week at The Wooden Table. Looking forward to some big smiles and happy bellies. Speaking of eating, feast your eyes on this week’s menu:

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